Some samples…

My Work

I work with a cross section of clients including, manufacturing, retail, marketing, consultancy and IT. I have a particular specilism in design for print, having worked in the print industry for many years -not only am I a technical whizz with all things print, but I’m a savvy print buyer too! I do of course also enjoy working on website design and build, its an essential part of every business and my focus is on clean, easy to navigate sites that offer my clients the ability to manage them themselves if required.

I have grown organically to be somewhat of an expert in design for animal related businesses and charities, its no surprise really as animals and animal welfare is a huge part of my life and I help pro bono for rescues whenever I can. I’m an animal loving, tree hugging vegan with a passion for enviromental and ethical concerns – but don’t be fooled into thinking that limits my creative  potential. I have my finger on the pulse of new trends in multiple industry sectors and an uber strong passion for making sure your brand is consistent and strong across all channels, whatever your business may be.

GP featured

Gor Pets Catalogue


Healthy Herby Start Up

Flair 1

Flair Advertising & Display

fat fluffs

Fat Fluffs Website

twig 1

Twig & Nibble Leaflets & Packing Elements

Ecom1 1

Ecom Management Website

GP 2

Gor Pets Product Branding & Packaging

Ebben 1

Ebben & Yorke Advertising & Stationery

LB1 1

Lauren Booker Website




Wrap Finery Display & Advertising